Centro de Documentación de la Inmigración de Habla Alemana en Argentina
Dokumentationszentrum der deutschsprachigen Immigration nach Argentinien
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  • Graham-Yooll, Andrew,

Graham-Yooll, Andrew, 1944-2019 (Nombres de personas)

Forma preferida: Graham-Yooll, Andrew, 1944-2019
Usado por/ver desde:
  • Yooll, Andrew Graham-, 1944-2019
  • Graham Yoll, Andrew, 1944-2019
  • Yoll, Andrew Graham, 1944-2019

His Tiempo de tragedia, 1972.

Info. converted from 678, 2012-10-02 (b. 1944)

Nos tocó hacer reír, 2010, viewed June 22, 2016: title page verso, pdf document (traducción, Andrew Graham Yoll)

Wikipedia WWW site viewed June 22, 2016: article web page (Andrew Graham-Yooll; born in Buenos Aires, 1944; author of about thirty books, written in English and Spanish; Graham-Yooll joined the Buenos Aires Herald in 1966; left the paper in 1976 when the military dictatorship forced him into exile; in Britain he worked for The Daily Telegraph and The Guardian, before becoming editor of South magazine in 1985; in 1989 appointed editor of Index on Censorship magazine; returned to Argentina in 1994; worked for the Buenos Aires Herald, where he became editor-in-chief and president of the board; from 1998-December 2007 he was the paper's senior editor; now at the Ombudsman at Perfil; before returning to Argentina, he was a fellow at Wolfson College of the University of Cambridge)

Centro DIHA
Centro de Documentación de la Inmigración de Habla Alemana en Argentina
Dokumentationszentrum der deutschsprachigen Immigration nach Argentinien
Peatonal Belgrano 3563 / 1er piso
B1650CBG San Martín, Prov. de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Horario de atención: lunes a viernes, previo aviso.
+54 9 11 5906 3924 (cel. /whatsapp)

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